Saturday, August 9, 2008

Most shitty Sonic game

What is the most shitty Sonic game? I will tell you. It's Sonic the Hedgehog(the next gen one).
I never played it and I already know it's shit. Why? Well, I will tell you.

I never played Shadow the Hedgehog, until just recently. I never really belived that this game can be so horrendous like they said it was. Sure, guns? In a fucking Sonic game? That's STUPID.

But it couldn't have been that bad.

But when I played it. OH GOD. When I finally started playing it, it felt like a fucking eternity spent in hell. THE BUGS! THE SHITTY CAMERA! THE NOT-REALLY-GOOD CONTROLS! Holy shit!
I stopped playing at level 3 which I think was Prison Island(but it blew up in Sonic Adventure 2! How can it still exist?!).

Now, you will ask:
-Gee, silly Forte. What does SHADOW the hedgehog has to do with SONIC the hedgehog?

I will tell you WHAT! Until recently i thought that StH can't be that bad, but seeing that I thought the same thing about Shadow's BIG GAME until I played it, I'm willing to belive that this game fucking blows.

Also, fuck Sonic fantards in their furry asses.

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