Sunday, August 10, 2008

No, Chris. You are the homos.

You know what's more funny than a childish 26 year old fuck? A 26 year old childish and AUTISTIC fuck.

This guy just cracks me up. When I look at him, sitting there with that medallion of his, I can't help but wonder...why in the hell is this guy not a celebrity. Sure, he gained a internet celebrity status of some sort, but still he can become a star IRL.

At the beginning of his rant, Sonichu talks about evil demons that haunt him. He talks about the pain they inflict on him, and he says that they call him a "homo" when he clearly is totally straight, guiz.

Secondly, Chris talks about...well...I'm not exactly sure, but it seems like he thinks that his comic pages are downloaded from internet and distributed without his permissions. And by distributed, I mean SOLD for MONEY. I don't have a clue who would want to distribute his shitty comic , let alone buy them, but let's not get into that, shall we? He says it's being distributed, so it must be true.

Next, Sonichu talks about all that loneliness and hatred he must live with. How it takes away all his inspiration for drawing his GREAT ARTZ, and emo stuff like that. I'm sure this video will stop all this hatred, and maybe even get him a girlfriend. WHO KNOWS?!

Then, he again confirms his straightness when he says: "I LOVE DYKES DYKES CHINA". Truly, Chris-chan knows what he loves. He also states that when he sees a DICK, he looks away because he's freaked out. Fucking homophobe. But that begs for a certain question. Does his own DICK freaks him out as well?

Next, he blames Encyclopedia Dramatica for breaking his friendship between some girl(don't remeber how she was called). He says that it was probably the closest he ever got to gaining a sweetheart...and closest he will ever get in this "pitiful adult life". lawl

And then he rants again, about how ED is evul, and all this hatred and how he wishes he would never found "this piece of shit". I guess he looked in the mirror.

Then he talks about how if he ever finds a sweetheart he will take care of her, and give her "such love and tenderness". But we can be clearly very sure, that he will never ever find a girlfriend.
Because he is creepy as fuck.

Okay. That's it. I can't stand more of this video. I just can't watch more of him waving this fucking joypand around.

In conclusion we can all agree, that this man should be taken to a special camp and shot.


Anonymous said...

cool story bro

Anonymous said...

lol comment